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    What Did Mughals do for India? Mughal Rulers & Their Actions

    All kings, irrespective of their faith, had a common goal of protecting their rulership and expanding their kingdom. They did things that helped them achieve this goal. We should never link religion with the actions of the kings.

    Hindus’ Rights in Muslim countries

    Muslims & Hindus in Malaysia and Indonesia live in peace and harmony. Some of the world’s most beautiful temples are found in Malaysia and Indonesia. This clearly shows that Muslim countries allow rights and freedom to their non-Muslim citizens.

    Hatred causes cancer

    When you hate someone, the brain interprets it as a threat and chemicals are released throughout the body. When the hatred continues on a regular basis, the chemicals are more frequently released and cause illnesses like: diabetes, hypertension, cancer and auto-immune disorders.

    Is there life after death?

    Can justice be fully established in this world? Hitler killed six million innocent people. What punishment could the human law give Hitler? The most they can do is give him death penalty which is punishment for the killing of one innocent person. What about the remaining?

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